
Thursday, July 31, 2008


Apparantly if you wiggle your fingers at your mom and say, "you didn't see anything," you are free to do whatever you want without getting in trouble. Maybe I'll try that the next time I'm about to do something naughty. But I'm not three-years-old and ridiculously adorable so it may not work. I'll let you know.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh Yeah!

The badminton season has finally begun up here on the mountain. Okay, we're a bit late starting off this year, but we've been busy. Anyhow, I won the first match 11-6. Woohoo! I love it when I win because I can't beat my husband at anything. Not scrabble. Definitely not tennis--I can't even get a point off him. He can always open jars that I can't open, like they're nothing. How irritating is that? The guys can lift an entire VW bug engine by himself, so what'cha gonna do. But somehow with badminton I can actually win. Sometimes. So today I will bask in the short lived glory of victory! Tommorow, though, I might need help getting the lid off the jam jar.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Accomplishment!

I haven't gotten as much writing related things done this summer as I had hoped. A little here and there is almost more than I can hope for. But today I made a major accomplishment--I filed every single piece of writing that I could find in my nicely organized filing cabinet. Yay! Now if I want to work on something I won't waste all my time looking for the paper I want to work on. So annoying!

Here's to getting some writing done! I won't tell you how many files there are. It's embarassing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I'm scheduling a storytelling event for my library coming up in September. This does not give me alot of time. Luckily I have a friend who is a fabulous children's storyteller and puppeteer and artist who has enthusiastically agreed to help me. So far I have two children's storytellers lined up and a handfull of contacts I am hopeful about. As I learned with the author fair, publicity is the most time consuming part, so if I can get my line-up squared away soon I will be happy. Why am I telling you this? Because I believe in the randomness of the internet. Perhaps some Pacific Northwest storyteller will be googling tonignt and will find my little blog as it frolicks through cyberspace. And if you're out there and might want to take an expense paid drive to north central washington to tell some stories, email me through my contact link on my profile page. I have a few spots I need to fill.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Things I Missed When I Lived in Town

Living in town for six months was convenient, but there were things I didn't even realize I missed until I got home:

-Absolute silence
-Fresh air
-Quaking aspens
-My kids enjoying playing together outside(okay, I did notice this one!)
-My propane stove--it cooks so much better than electric.
-Driving to town and back with my dh. This is one of the only times we get to sit together and talk. The kids are strapped in the back so they don't inturrupt too incessantly.
-Looking out the window

Things I Don't Miss About Town:

-People's stuff everywhere, what kind of view is that?
-Trash burning--people did it all the time, in town!
-A road in front of my house
-Dogs. We named our town Dogville.
-Electric heat
-Having to get dressed every day(you know, get out of my pajamas!)

I'm sure there must be more things that I haven't thought of. Suffice it to say, this place definitely still feels like home.