
Saturday, December 3, 2022

A Fancy Interview!

Not too terribly long ago, interviewer extraordinaire Patricia J. Murphy contacted me and wanted to talk. How fun! She asked me lots of questions about my being a librarian, a garlic farmer, and of course, a writer. I don't often talk about all the things I do, but Patricia made it fun and I made a new friend. And now I can also say that I am thrilled to have an interview in Publisher's Weekly! Bonus: The interview features Unicorn and Yeti's brand new book, Stuck With You. 

I think my agent, Sean McCarthy, introduces the interview best, "Come for the insight about how being a librarian informs Heather's writing, and stay for the revision/garlic farming metaphor that somehow makes perfect sense."

Pretty good huh? If you're interested, pop on over and give it a read at