
Sunday, March 25, 2007

My mind is numb

I've spent the last two days reading and rereading the contract I've been offered for my picture book. It is mind-numbing. I'm still not sure if I have a grip on it or not. I was glad I'd recently joined scbwi and had their sample contract to refer to. I had some wording added that they suggested. Why can't they just write all that stuff in regular english? It would be so much easier.

Unfortunately I'm not much of a negotiator. At least it was all online. (This publisher does everything online, by the way, which is really great for us writers, especially the shy ones.) I would love to have an agent someday to take care of all this stuff for me. Maybe once I have a picture book under contract they will take me seriously. Maybe.

But really, I feel pretty lucky. I don't sub that much. Only when I can finally get a cover/query letter perfected, which takes me a very long time(after I've spent an extremely long time getting the story to the point I feel it's ready) do I sub anything. It takes me forever to customize the letter to a publisher. That is really hard for me.

This story went out to three publishers, got one form and two requests. One request ended with a phone call, because I had an acceptance from the third. I am completely amazed. And I didn't think I'd have anything exciting to blog about. So reading the contract isn't exciting. Having a picture book accepted sure is!


  1. So great! You'll have to keep us updated on the journey from contract to publication. I'm so happy for you, Heather!

  2. You're so brave. The whole process still terrifies me to death. As I get closer and closer to subbing, I get less and less amounts of sleep.


    We are all so thrilled for you, Heather. Looks like you started the blog just in time. :)

  3. Soo exciting, Heather, even if reading legalese is not. I can't wait to see your book in print.
