
Sunday, March 16, 2008


It's happening again. I have so many things to do I'm not doing anything. Under the guise of getting something done, I'll tell you what they are:

I have my first workshop as a librarian. On Thursday I get to go to the Summer Reading Program workshop with two of my librarian friends. We're supposed to make a presentation about something we've come up with for this year's theme; Catch the Reading Bug. Too bad my friends are procrastinators too.

Saturday I have a book signing. Not sure if I have to do much else than show up. I suppose I should give someone who knows a ring, but I'll be lucky to just show up with a pen at this rate.

My daughter's teacher has been bugging me all year to come in and talk to the class. He finally pinned me down with a general "I'll do it sometime at the end of the month" commitment. Warning! We have now hit the halfway mark on March. I keep meaning to get out my classroom talk ideas. I did just have half the class over on Friday for a birthday party, so it should be a piece of cake. Or maybe everybody just loves you when you serve them cake. *cough* I'm still waiting for a certain loyal Frolicking reader's mauscript so I can take it to class. Don't want to be tortured all alone!

I need to send out some more submissions. I want to. Is a chunk of quiet time when I can actually think too much to ask? And no, I am not actually thinking right now, but you've probably already noticed that.

Something I hope you haven't noticed is: my website sucks. Now don't you go looking at it. Just take my word for it. I'm getting to it, really I am. It will definitely have to be all pretty when my picture book comes out. And that time will come before I know it, so I'm trying to plan ahead here.

Too bad all my planning on planning for things doesn't get much done. At least it's something.


  1. I can help you plan to plan for nothing as long as that nothing involves the something I promised when I wanted nothing from it.

