
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Listen up ya'll!

My friend and fabulous critique partner Stephanie Theban has finally joined the cyberworld and started a blog! Stephanie is active in her local Kansas City SCBWI chapter and has learned a lot about writing for children from the many different workshops and conferences she's been to. Since she attended Bonnie Bader's Pitch-a-thon she's decided to share her skills and giveaway some crits on pitches at her newly opened Tiki Bar. Go pick your drink and enter up!

Another thing. I just discovered Weronica Janczuk's blog. There's a lot to know about her and I'm, um, supposed to be revising right now so you'll just have to hop over and check her place out. I will tell she's young and brilliant! Weronica posts all sorts of great info, especially for the YA writer, plus she's offering a query + 10 pages critique to everyone that enters. I almost feel guilty for blogging about it, she's going to be so busy.

So that's two more people to add to the list of generous kidlit writers!