
Friday, July 31, 2009

Send a Postcard

It has been so long since I've seen the ocean. Having grown up in Monterey Bay, the ocean was a big part of life. I'd walk to the beach from my grandparents house, we'd go to the beach for celebrations, or just because. We'd go beachcombing, have picnics, and roll down the sand dunes. I love the smell of the salt air and the foggy mornings.

Living here in the high desert, I sometimes think of the things my kids miss not having the beach as a part of their growing up. Mountain life is fun in different ways. Soon though, we will be taking some time to enjoy the beach. And I am so ready!

As I'm thinking of our journey to the sea, I found that Lee Verday is having a super fun contest. He's giving away a signed copy of PROPHECY OF THE SISTERS by Michelle Zink. How do you enter? You just have to send a postcard.

Who doesn't love postcards?! I was just telling the kids that we should send some while we're on our trip. What a great idea for a contest. I already have a copy of PROPHECY OF THE SISTERS, but I might have to send Lee a postcard just for fun.

If you want to enter, and you should because this is one book you will not be able to put down, read the contest rules here. Mail your postcard by August 11th!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing my Contest already. And I'd love to get a post card from you, just for fun!

  2. Hi Heather,

    I'm starting new series on my blog. Let me know if you'd be interested in doing a guest post on Bedtime Monster's road to publication.

