
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why I Blog

I never really thought that deeply about the reasons that I blog. It's just become something that I do when I get a chance. Sally Murphy gave me the opportunity to think about why I blog and she's just posted my first online interview ever! I'm her featured blogger for Featured Blogger Friday. I mention in the interview that I used to freak out that people would read my writing. I am trying not to freak out about having an interview online. There was a time when I would have gone and hidden under a rock. Today when I saw it, my face didn't even turn red. Yes, that happens when I read things about myself online from time to time. Okay, it used to happen. A lot. I think I just may be getting to be outgoing.


  1. Hi Heather - your interview on Sally's blog was wonderful. Best wishes with your new release and I hope you don't get too freaked out! Tania :)

  2. Thanks so much Tania! I am totally done with freaking out. For sure. ;-)

  3. Fun Interview, Heather!! Sept. 15 is the big day!!!

  4. Thanks Paul! I can't believe the big day is almost here!

  5. Boy, you really spilled your guts over there. (Well, for you.) And what a gorgeous picture!
