
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monster List of Picture Book Agents -- Jennifer Unter, The Unter Agency

There isn't a lot of information on Jennifer Unter and The Unter Agency that I can find online. But from the few picture book writers that she does represent it seems that Jennifer Unter is an agent picture book writers should consider.

There's a great, recent interview with Jennifer Unter at Mother. Write. (Repeat.)

Her New Agent Alert on Guide to Literary Agents from January 2010 tells a little bit about Jennifer's background.

There's an informative interview with Jennifer from when she was VP of RLR Associates Literary Division at Absolute Write.

The Unter Agency website has a bit of information about the agency and a submission form.

Jennifer Unter represents Sue Fliess and Barbara Bottner.

This post is part of the Monster List of Picture Book Agents. If you have any changes that you think should be made to this listing, please contact me or leave them in the comments. Thanks!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Things that take time...

Sometime last fall, my husband and I decided that we should start doing some farming, so we planted some garlic...

The garlic is growing well so far.

Then we got some alpacas. They are happy out in their pasture.

Next we decided we should keep some bees. We had to have them down in town for a while because it was so cold and snowy up here on the mountain for so long, but they're home now. It's nice to sit and listen to the buzz of the bees.

Then we got three lambs. They were so tiny they could ride in the back of the car.

We plowed up some field. The whole family got in on it. Don't worry, the tractor goes like two miles an hour.

We even managed to get a herd of goats--sorry, they wouldn't pose for me.

So now we've got wheat planted.

And oats.

The lambs are getting big....

So there is a lot going on around here while we wait for things to grow. (I didn't even get a photo of my garden!) But I'm patient--I'm a writer after all. Plus I have lots of new inspirations all around. I just need to wander outside and sit in the grass. I hope that you take the time to find some summer inspiration too. I'd love to hear about what you find!