
Friday, February 17, 2012

Oh my!

I have recently been given not one, not two, but six blog awards! How crazy is that?

Thank you Marcie Colleen, Debbie LaCroixJennifer Lee Young, and Lori Degman! Yes, I know that doesn't add up to five, but Jennifer and Ruth Schiffman aka inluvwithwords also awarded me the Kreativ Blogger award! I truly feel so special that these ladies thought of me!

The Liebster Award is given to blogs less with less than 200 followers. When you receive this award you are to link to the person who gave you the award and also list 5 things about yourself, then pass it on to five other great blogs that have less than 200 followers. Hmmm. What to tell you all?

  1. I would eat cheese and/or gravy for every meal if I didn't know it was so bad for me.
  2. I have music jam parties at my house on a regular basis. I don't sing unless they force me.
  3. I like to quote picture books all the time. "If you love chocolate cake so much why don't you marry it." (That's Betty Bunny, incase you didn't know already.)
  4. I absolutely hate it when my socks get wet. It seems like such a harmless thing, but I can't stand it!
  5. I think that having a breakfast cafe in my house is working against my internal clock. I can only pretend I'm not a night owl for so long.

Now, for the Kreativ Blogger award I have to answer the following questions so you will know even more crazy random things about me! Here are my answers that go with the Kreativ award:

1. Name your favorite song:

Little Wing by Jimi Hendrix

2. Name your favourite dessert:

Wild raspberry pie with french vanilla ice cream

3. What ticks me off:

When people are mean.

4. When I’m upset I:

Tend to not feel very well.

5. What’s your favourite pet:

My three not so little lambies who run up to see me whenever I come around.

6. Black or white:

Depends on what it is. Black sheep? Yes. White pants? No. I can never keep those clean. Black mashed potatoes? Eww.

7. Biggest Fear:

Dying before my children are old enough to take care of themselves.

8. Everyday attitude:

How much can I get done today?

9. What is perfection:

I don't know, I've never experienced it.

10. Guilty Pleasure:

Watching late night tv and not working... on anything!

My nominees for the Liebster are:

Sergio Ruzzier: He has a great blog focused on picture books and he has created tons of great books. Come on, he should have way more than 200 followers!

Nina Laden: Nina is a picture book author and illustrator and she has created some of my favorite books! Plus she taught my kids how to draw some really cool dogs when she visited our library during the Summer Rading Program. My kids still talk about it! She explores all sorts of interesting topics on her blog titled The Night I Followed the Blog.

Natalia Ortega-Brown's A Picture Book A Day: Natalia is a 5th grade ESL teacher and she still takes the time to post wonderful, in-depth picture book reviews every day!

Bridget Heos' Save Everything! (and the Picture Book): Bridget's Blog title says it all!

Lisha Cauthen: Enter The Imaginal Realm and she'll blow your mind with her thoughts on all things writing related And she's always putting up crazy pictures to go with her posts. SHE IS DA BOMB.

And the Kreativ Blogger award goes to the fabulous...Susanna Leonard Hill! She does all sorts of great stuff on her blog, she even has a schedule:

Monday: random topics

Wednesday: Would You Read It

Friday: Perfect Picture Books


Pitch Pick

Straight From The Editor


I was also included in Shore Lines Friday Five! How about that? Thanks Stella!


  1. Congrads on FIVE awards. That shows you are awesomely cool.

    Jimi Hendrix could play the Star Spangled Banner with his teeth! His guitar talent has always been/will always be unmatched.

    Your biggest fear has always been my biggest fear too.

    Susanna is a super woman! She's my pick for author/blogger/woman of the year.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. (((hugs)))

  2. Hi Heather,

    Oh my, indeed. I stopped over to let you know that I gave you an award on my blog today. And here you are drowning in awards =D Congratulations!

  3. Hi! New follower, stopping by from Out on a Limb's blog. Congrats on your award!

  4. Wow - your award bup runneth over! Congrats! I'm glad you gave Bridget Heos' blog the Liebster award - I would have given it to her myself but I was sure she had more than 200 followers!

    You know what's worse than wearing wet socks? Wearing just one sock - it feels so weird!

  5. Congrats on all the recognition! Raspberry pie with french vanilla ice cream sounds delicious.

    Thanks for sharing Heather!

  6. Your blog is so great, Heather. You deserve each and every one of those awards. Yay!!
