
Friday, January 10, 2014

Once Upon a Time a Writer Found the Perfect Agent

Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to write. The more she wrote, the more she liked it. The more she liked it the more she wanted to see something she wrote turned into a book. And when that actually happened she then wanted to see something else she wrote turned into a book because, as she had learned, writers are never finished, they just move onto the next project.

Many times she felt all alone and like she needed advice. Along her travels she made many writing friends. She liked them so much she started a club where they shared writing secrets with those who knew the secret handshake. But she longed to find that one brave knight who would help her find her way through the publishing forest.

One day, when she was wallowing in the depths of the murky river of writing woe, the knight magically appeared telling her how wonderful her writing was and that he was there to help her make her way through the forest and…


Whose story is this? Well, it’s mine. Sort of. But it didn’t happen quite that way.

I did (and do) write. A lot. I’ve had a bit of success along the way.

And now I do have the perfect agent for me. I found him the best way I knew how—by querying!

Was there magic involved? Perhaps a little. I wrote a story I really liked. I got it critiqued. Revised it. A lot. I studied agents, made a list of what I thought were the best matches, and queried them. Guess who was my top choice? Sean McCarthy. And amazingly enough he was busy starting his own agency when I was ready to query.

When I read the news about Sean McCarthy Literary Agency I got my submission ready immediately. But I didn’t send it. What if he didn’t like it? Was I ready to be disappointed? Apparently I talked about it quite a bit because my daughter finally said, “Mom, just send it to him already! He's going to love it!” (When your daughter rolls her eyes at you because you’re being childish it can really help you do the things you need to do.) So I did. Click. Done. Wait.

I didn’t have to wait too long.

You want the fairytale ending? Sean did like my manuscript. And he read a bunch more of my work and liked that too! Plus he’s thoughtful, understanding, concerned, informed, open, honest, helpful… all those things you hope to find in an agent. Heck, look at his fabulous list of recent books! So yes, now I can say,

I am represented by Sean McCarthy of Sean McCarthy Literary Agency! 

As for the rest of the tale? It has yet to be written. 

But I think I'll end this story with... 
                                                       ...and they lived happily ever after.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Yea! I'm so excited and happy for you!

  2. Congratulations! I love it when a nice writer teams up with a nice agent! Best wishes!

  3. Doing a happy dance for you!!! Congratulations!

  4. That is awesome! And you're right, he is a great agent. Congrats!

  5. Congratulations!! Great fairytale.

  6. BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wonderful news. I don't know anything about him but it's wonderful he loves your work. You've worked hard at it and there is an agent out there for everybody I think.

  7. So HAPPY for you! Yippee!

    Such good news for all the young readers who can look forward to your books. Woot woot!

  8. And the princess saved herself! Great job Heather!


  10. So, so thrilled for you, Heather! Hooray! Way to start the new year. :)

  11. YAY, Heather!! Way to go! Wishing you many sales in the coming year.

  12. Congratulations, Heather! I'm SOOO excited for you.

  13. I see that my wishes for a great year for you were prophetic! Just one semester in an MFA program, and BAM!! This is fabulous news, Heather. And I vote for sticking with "happily ever after!"

  14. fan-freakin'-tastic! Congratulations!

  15. A dream come true! So happy for you! You are so helpful/giving to your writing friends, the writing gods were bound to smile on you & grant your wish!Whoooot!

  16. Thank you so so so much, each and every one of you! It is so exciting to be able to share the news.

    Stella - Sean worked at Sheldon Fogelman Agency (that's a big one!) prior to opening his own agency.

    Juliana - Guess I have a good picture book ending! Lol!

    Lisha - Do I feel different? That is an interesting question. I definitely feel more confident in my skills. I HAVE SKILLS! WOOT!

    Unpub - I was never in an MFA program. I live too far out in the boonies to participate in anything like that. It makes me appreciate the online community and books on craft all the more!

    Kathy - You make me blush!

    Thanks again everyone! This is definitely a great way to kick off 2014!

  17. I'm so happy this has happened. You deserve it, Heather! Gigantic congratulations from out in the boonies in France to your mountaintop boonies in the US. Yippppeeeee!

  18. Eeeeee!!!!! Wonderful, Heather!!!! SO proud/excited for you... you are so talented. <3

  19. Thank you my sister in the boonies! <3 Someday we will celebrate together!

  20. Morgan! We were posting at the same time! Thank you so much. You are too too kind! :)

  21. Huge congratulations, Heather! I'm very happy for you. You deserve this!

  22. Happy for you! Love the story of finding your perfect agent.

  23. Such good news, Heather...and sharing your story is really helpful to the rest of us.:)You did your homework, took the steps...and I am so happy for you!

  24. Such good news, Heather...and sharing your story is really helpful to the rest of us.:)You did your homework, took the steps...and I am so happy for you!

  25. This is fabulous, Heather. Inspiration for all of us. Thanks for sharing. :)

  26. Sorry I am late to this party, Heather. Although I know I did congratulate you on various Facebook pages, I happened upon this post and wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you sharing your story. You've worked mega-hard...happy dance for your success. :)
