
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Me, in PW? aka I HAVE NEWS!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!

Publisher's Weekly -- it's the place to go to read about book deals. It can be so fun to read, and to see the people I know from around the web getting book deals. For me, it's inspiring to read about what children's books will be coming out in the future. The Publisher's Weekly Rights Report helps me see what types of books are selling and who the agents and publishers involved are. Reading the weekly report is another good way to get to know the publishing world. Of course, when you really want a book deal it can perhaps be not as fun to read becuase you wonder if you are ever going to see yourself listed there, but it helps to remember that if you are a writer you have to be in it for the long haul.

For me, it has finally happened. My book deal is listed in the Publisher's Weekly Rights Report! It is amazing to see myself there. I have wanted to have a book announcement for so long in general. Of course, I have known about my book deal but seeing it there announced to the kidlit book world makes it feel all new and exciting again. If you don't want to follow the link I will show you here:

I am super excited about this book. It's punny. It involves cookies, and ninjas. Stuff I love! My agent really helped encourage me to write even better than I thought I could. Zaneta Jung and the team at Sterling Publishing are so enthusiastic and supportive. The cut paper illustration style that Bomboland does are fresh and fun. I cannot wait to see how it all turns out!


  1. Fabulous! I am so happy for you. I look forward to seeing many more posts like this one. :) Thank you for all you do with Sub It Club.

    1. Thanks so much, Traci! Many more posts like this one? That would be amazing. :D

  2. Super excited for your announcement and soon - your book! Congratulations Heather!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Announcements are pretty fun. Can't wait for yours!

  3. Can't wait to read this book. So excited for you, Heather. I know how hard you have worked for this. Yay!!

    1. You do know! Thanks for all of the support you give me! <3

  4. Congratulations, friend!! So glad to see all your hard work and awesomeness bearing fruit!!

  5. Congratulations, Heather. I don't know how you fit so much in. :) I love your blog and the agents list and heads up on subbing is too fabulous. Wish there was an equivalent here in the UK. The MSWL is obvo USA-centric, and when I go on the SCBWI Blueboards, I find that the case, too. There must be the odd UK one but you have to sift through so many and it could be missed. That said, your blog is excellent and much of it relevant to all and I am grateful for it. Thank you!

  6. Thank you so much, Frances! There are quite a few UK agents for sure, and I plan to add all picture book agents to the list--eventually. I wish I had more time! Try searching "picture book agent UK". You should come up with quite a few possibilities. Of course, just because you're in the UK doesn't mean your can't query U.S. agents.

  7. Is you blog still up and running?
