
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Enter to Win a First 5 Pages & Query Letter Critique!

Today's the day! KICK! JUMP! CHOP! THE ADVENTURES OF THE NINJABREAD MAN is out from Sterling Children's Books! Here's the back cover blurb: When sparring gets stale, Sensei whips up a new challenge--the Ninjabread Man. The mouthwatering martial artist may be fresh from the oven but his skills are sweet, spicy, and sure to bring some kick to the dojo.

The book is illustrated with cut paper illustration created by an artist team known as Bomboland. I want to show you more! You can look inside the book on Amazon if you like.

So, what can I do to celebrate?

Ninjas Read is doing a Twitter giveaway. It ends at 10pm so if you're on Twitter jump on over and retweet this real quick:

I shared my query letter for THE NINJABREAD MAN on the Sub It Club blog. Plus my agent Sean McCarthy and I talk about why it worked! So, if you're writing a query letter go take a look at Sean's insights.

Here on my blog I'm doing a critique giveaway because, why not? I want to do something! Yes, I specialize in picture books but I've written and edited in all sorts of genres so, writers of all genres are welcome to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congratulations, Heather! I can't wait to read it!

  2. Happy publication day!! And thank you for sharing your query letter! Your book summary is so perfect.

  3. Thanks for the contest opportunity, Heather. Have ordered your book for our library.

  4. Congratulations, Heather. Looking forward to reading The Adventures of the Ninjabread Man. Great title!

  5. Happy book birthday! It is a great title. Thanks for generously sharing your query.

    1. And re: what I'm working on--too many picture book revisions. :)

    2. Oh yes, too many picture books revisions always, huh Wendy?

  6. Congrats, Heather! Thanks for sharing your journey to publication and what helped you get this sweet and spicy little guy in print! Good luck!

  7. Congrats on your new book! It looks great!

  8. It sounds like a ton of ginger fun!

  9. Smashingly, spicily, savory sensei-tional! Congrats Heather!

  10. I'm working on a story about Prickles the Hedgehog, who curls up in a tight, spiky ball whenever she is scared—and she is scared of LOTS of things. But Prickles is an artist, and she paints herself brave.
    Loved reading your successful query letter!

  11. Great post. Thank you both for sharing your thoughts!

  12. I love the query example! And what a fun book! Thank you, Heather and Sean!

  13. It's the InjureBread Man tripping over to say "Yowza!" Way to go, Heather!!

  14. Congratulations on your new book Heather. I've just read your query letter, it's brilliant!
    Thank you for this great giveaway :o)

  15. That query is amazing. Thanks for sharing, Heather.

  16. What a wonderful powerful query! Congratulations on your new book!

  17. Congratulations and best wishes. Thank you for offering the giveaway critique!

  18. Congratulations on your book! Thank you for sharing your query letter. It is very helpful.

  19. Congratulations! And thanks for sharing such helpful info with your query.

  20. Congratulations! What a fun concept. And I like both titles, so win win. I also appreciate the explanation of your query letter on Sub it Club.

    1. I was so attached to my first title that it took a minute to love the second one, but I definitely do! The cover makes it look pretty darn cool too!

  21. Thanks, Heather. The hardest part is pitching the story in those few words that show personality as well as convey the premise. As an unpublished author (picture books), I always worry that I have not got a teaching/education background and my bio may seem boring or irrelevant. Would love help with that.
    Excellent post on your query letter!

    1. I am a big advocate of going with what you've got in your bio. I did not used to have anything to put in and it was tough but sometimes I was able to tell them something about myself that related to the manuscript. Not always, of course. Have you read my post on creating your bio over on the Sub It Club blog? I went over all the different things you can think about adding. And of course, if you have absolutely nothing I think that can be okay too. Here's a link:

  22. Great entry line. I am already thinking of how this can make my queries better. But at the end it's the writing which matters more right? Can't wait to find out the book ! Thanks for the give away!

    1. The writing is definitely king, but if you can give your query letter the voice of your manuscript it can really show off your writing and lead the reader to be excited about your manuscript I think. :)

  23. Congrats and I cannot wait to read it!
    Thank you for this post, just the pick-me-up I needed today!

  24. What a great idea for a picture book! Congratulations!

  25. Congratulations on your book! I loved the back cover's hysterical. I find writing a query letter the hardest part of writing, so reading blogs, such as the one you wrote for SubIt Club, is extremely helpful. Thanks!

    1. I love writing query letters. I don't know what's wrong with me!

  26. Congratulations! The book looks wonderful. Those illustrations are amazing and love the play on words!

  27. Congratulations, Heather! Awesome query. And I loved the author-agent mashup! A fun read.

  28. The hardest thing for me about submitting right now is remaining positive through what I know will be dozens of rejections in search of that one "yes."

    1. It really can be tough to stay positive but it helps to keep in mind that you aren't going to get to that yes without taking on the no's. I think it also helps to know that even books that get published have likely gotten plenty of form rejections as well. And you can always come lament in Sub It Club and we can help you keep going. :)

  29. The two hardest things about subbing are the many rejections and the LONG waits!
    Great query letter and congrats...

    1. Oh those long waits are hard! I just always try to keep moving forward with more submissions and writing, that way I am not just sitting there waiting, or at least not as much.

  30. Thank you for sharing your query letter, and for doing a giveaway. Your book looks so fun. I need to get a copy. Congratulations on your book, and thanks again.

  31. Of course! Ninjabread Man! Such a smart play on words which I'm sure was sparked in the middle of a messy or dangerous moment in the kitchen when a ninja was the only way to save a batch of cookies.

  32. Heather, looks like a great book.looking forward to reading it.

  33. Hi Heather,
    Your book sounds delicious! Especially this time of year. Kids will love it! Thanks for this opportunity. When I submit, I'm hopeful, but prepare myself for rejection--always hard.

  34. Your book is finally out! Great concept! I'm excited to read it. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon.

    1. Yes, finally! I hope to read a book from you someday soon too!

  35. I'm late to the party, but not too late! Congrats on your book and happy writing NaNoWriMo!

  36. Congratulations and thank you for sharing the query letter. (Also, I was delighted to learn about the NinjaReads web site, because I've got a 5 1/5 year old ninja fan at home.)

    1. Ninjasread is an awesome website. Corey does an amazing job and there are so many fun ideas there. Ninja storytime day is coming up December 5th! I'm looking forward to it.

  37. Congrats, my garlicky friend. I need to buy signed copies for Christmas. Lead me, oh, ninjabread chica.

    1. Signed copies! I will have to think on how we can do that. Hmm.

  38. Congratulations on the book release Heather! And, thank you for sharing your query letter with us. Always good to see one that worked. :) Looking forward to reading KICK! JUMP! CHOP!!!. P.S. I love that the title made up of only strong action verbs.

  39. Happy book birthday! Thanks for sharing a fun query!

  40. Congratulations on your book release! Can't wait to receive my copy!

  41. I'd say the hardest part is knowing when you're 'ready'. That includes the manuscript, the synopsis, the query, the pitch... all of it. You write and write, edit and edit, but most of the time I think all of it could be better.

    1. It is hard to know when something is ready to submit. I usually trade with lots of critique partners through various stages. Then, when I find I am just changing things back and forth I know it's time to send it out. Of course, it may not be perfect but you've got to let it go at some point. Of course, you may learn some things from submitting and do some revising again based on that.

  42. Your book looks like loads of fun. I love the art style used for the illustrations.

    1. I feel so lucky that Sterling chose to partner with Bomboland for the book. Their cut paper style makes it unique and fun.

  43. Thank you all for the sweet comments! You made sharing my book announcement fun! I randomly picked the winner via Rafflecopter and it is Michael Lunsford! WOOHOO!!! Congrats Michael and thank you all for entering. I wish that I had enough time to do critiques for everyone!
