Sunday, May 25, 2008


We're moving back home at the end of this week. Finally! It seems this winter move has practically trickled into summer. At home the grass is long, the hills are covered with flowers, and the air is fresh. I can't wait to move back to the peace of the mountain. Ahh! Relaxation.

One problem. Stuff! We had a yardsale yesterday and got rid of a lot of things, but my gosh! How much stuff do we really need? We've been moving things from there to here and here to there. The living room is full of boxes, and we still have half our things in town.

My mission: get rid of anything we don't need. How long will this take? Judging by how long it takes me to just do my regular everyday things-a long, long time.


  1. Wow, I know what you mean. I don't know where it all comes from either. It feels good to get rid of stuff. I was going to send you some more clothes for Elijah, lol! I'll wait until you are settled in. Moving is exhausting,but at least moving to town will make you go through your stuff every year. I better call you on the phone more before your phone doesn't work at home any more!! I will try later today.

  2. Yep, all that stuff definitely gets in the way. The less, the better.

  3. Start chanting to yourself, toss it toss it toss it toss it ... and before you know it you'll have nothing left. Careful not to toss out the family while you're at it ... I know it can be tempting to have a house to yourself...

  4. DH wants to make a giant burn pile and is making fun of me because I tell him it's too wasteful. I am giving stuff away as fast as I can.
