
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monster List of Picture Book Agents - John Schuster, The Literary Group International

The Literary Group International is a big agency that represents some children's authors, although I don't hear a lot of talk about them in the online kidlit world. You can read their submission guidelines on their website. What it doesn't tell you there is that John Schuster is their Acquisitions Editor.You can find his information at Querytracker. Yes, this agency is big and mysterious. You don't find a whole lot of kidlit information on a search so you have to dig deep! I can tell you from experience that John Schuster knows his stuff. John is also an author.

The Literary Group International represents Laura Vaccaro Seeger. (I love Dog and Bear!)

This post is part of the Monster List of Picture Book Agents. If you have any changes that you think should be made to this listing, please contact me or leave them in the comments. Thanks!


  1. Thanks for doing this series! I've been researching my little heart out, but you've already given me new info on a few of these folks! You rock!

  2. You're welcome! I know, it takes so much work. Just wanted to give my picture book friends a little help where I could. :)
