
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Monster List of Picture Book Agents--Kirchoff/Wohlberg Literary Agency

Kirchoff/Wohlberg is another one of those slightly mysterious agencies that are hard to find information on, but I find them quite interesting. This listing has certainly put my internet search skills to the test! Kirchoff/Wohlberg seems to be an agency/book packager. As you will see on their website they provide solutions to publishers and have numerous published projects, many of which I recognize from my library. Be sure to peruse their project list and click on the samples to see the portfolios. It is quite informative.

If your writing tends toward the educational/leveled reader type of books, Kirchoff/Wolhber might be a good agency to try. They do represent a number of authors. (I love Lois Ehlert's books!)  On their website, Morris A. Kirchoff is listed as President and Ronald Zollshan as Vice President. I was hard pressed to find any information on them. I do know that Agent Liza Pulitzer-Voges worked at Kirchoff/Wohlberg for 25 years, and she has quite an accomplished list at her Eden Street agency.

Mr. Zollshan is the person to whom you are asked to send your submission. Submissions from unpublished and established writers are welcomed.

Kirchoff/Wohlberg represents: Kari Winters & Bonnie Grubman.

If you have any experience with Kirchoff/Wohlberg I'd certainly love to hear about it!

This post is part of the Monster List of Picture Book Agents. If you have any changes that you think should be made to this listing, please contact me or leave them in the comments. Thanks!


  1. This is great, thanks for the information Heather.

  2. Funny you should mention it, Heather! My agent, Liza Voges, used to work for K/W. My understanding was that K/W closed their trade office in NYC and kept their textbook office in Boston or CT (I forget where), but I may not have it exactly right.

  3. Thanks for the info! Always looking to add to my list of agents and editors to send stories to. : )

  4. Thanks for the info. I hadn't heard of this agency before.

  5. Interesting, Susanna. Their submission guidelines do say to send to CT so it sounds like your memory serves you right.

    Glad I could help, Jennifer, Alison, and Sharon!

  6. Thanks for sharing this great information!

  7. Hi Heather! Ron Zollshan is actually my agent! They have been around forever (last 30 years) and represent books such as "Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom." Here's the quick story: There was Mr. Kirchoff, Mr. Zollshan, and Ms. Voges (who represented illustrators at the time). They offered educational book writing & packaging and then added the literacy agency on. Mr. Kirchoff retired and Mr. Zollshan took over the literary agency. They closed down the packaging section of their business, as it was no longer something they wanted to maintain. They are based in Madison, CT and are going through a website design that will hopefully offer the information that was so hard to find before!
